Explore a tiny world full of connected puzzles 

Growmi entered a portal that took all of its powers away. Now, you'll need to help Growmi regain them back... Start small and grow big to prove to the world that you are the smartest of them all!

  • Move: WASD, ARROWS 
  • Shrink: SPACE (Must unlock power)
  • Restart: R
  • Undo: U, Z  
  • Toggle Map: M

Listen to the soundtrack of the game here.

You can watch the walkthrough of the game here.

Made by: Carlos Pedroso & Inês Ribeiro
Together we are bedbed

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(167 total ratings)
AuthorCarlos Pedroso
TagsMetroidvania, Pixel Art, Sokoban

Development log


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this is SO cool to see! i made a very similar prototype years ago, but could never get it to "work" as a game, and i sucked at level / puzzle design. this solves a lot of problems i ran into in very clever ways, and is loads of fun!



how do I restart the whole game?


this game is goddamn adorable, i love it

Like it a lot! Also, hint system reserves an r/upvote🤣

Really nice game, I wish it would be longer tho 😁

Needs a reset room button/command (unwind is cumbersome).  Otherwise, great puzzle game.

You can reset the room with R

Yes.  Better than many a commercial game (if short).  It made me feel smaaaart.

(1 edit) (+1)

very creative, i love playing as a sentient Tetris piece

really good, but can you please make a downloadable build?


Great game! I would like more levels!

could you please add a way to reset your progress


Here via the Thinky Awards shortlist, congrats!! I really enjoyed the game - I also sent you a bit of $ in support.

I found one small bug I thought I'd share; here if I drop the purple battery into the four-way and then backtrack and try to push it out upward, it vanishes. (I'm not sure I'm explaining it very clearly, I can share more screenshots.)

Thank you again, it was a delight! I also felt that the different things I learned throughout the game really came together at the last bonus star and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I figured it out :)

Thank you so much for your kind words and support! Your support really means a lot to us!!

Also thank you for finding that bug, I'll need to look into it. 

I'm happy you found the game delightful and felt accomplished by it, thanks again!


One of the best games i've played in a long time. 10/10

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!


This was really great! I finished without the hints and then went back for the secret stars ending. Very good puzzles! Clever and creative! :)

Congratulations! And thank you for the kind words! 


I'm a Snakebird fan and I love this one just as much!

Thank you!! Snakebird is really great so I'm honored!


Amazing game !I Finished it at 100%, good job !


Thank you so much! Congratulations for beating the whole game!!


Wonderful game! Love the metroidvania-like structure. Some of the puzzles were quite tricky. 

Small typo: in the regular ending it says "it's" in two places where it should say "its".

Thank you so much!!

Whoops... didn't notice the typo!😅


Could use a bit more Metroidvania but was ok.

Thanks! The game was initially a lot more open, but after playtesting I realized the game ended up better being a little more strict and with some pointers. I would totally love to do a more Metroidvania game in the future though!


I never comment but I had so much fun with this game I had to! I loved the design, the puzzles, everything! The fact that you can go back on yourself without undoing brings so much depth that it made it all the more satisfying after finally solving them!

Also awesome that it was made by fellow Portuguese :)

Excelente trabalho!

Such a kind comment! I'm really happy you enjoyed it!



This is very fun! Snakebird + metroidvania!

...how to get second diamond... "self-cross"... i can't solve this :(


Thank you so much! You can watch the walkthrough if you get stuck!

Deleted 225 days ago

Thank you! We never thought of names for them...
We like to think that they are the labyrinth keepers but they do a bad job since they just stand around doing nothing.

Deleted 225 days ago

One of the best puzzle games I have played in a while, a great mix of fun and interesting puzzles. I would play for hours if only it was longer.


Thank you so much! I'm really happy you would play more! Maybe someday we'll make a sequel!


I love this game! Thank you Carlos and Inês <3 you rock! As a fellow puzzle game designer I'm so impressed by these puzzles, so enjoyable and challenging. I aspire to make games like this. The game is very good looking too. Thanks for being so inspiring.


Thank you so much for your kind words! We are humbled to be an inspiration to you :)


super fun. I'm a person who loves puzzle games, but I normal get thru them to quickly. This one took me a good week or so. Good job


Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!




Fun game! I enjoy how it mixes some metroidvania elements in between puzzles. Some of the puzzles were pretty tough, but not hard enough that I didn't enjoy them.


Thanks! It's always hard to balance fun in hard levels!


I'm sorry, it may be bad English (it's a GOOGLE translation)

Great idea game! A well-crafted puzzle!

That was very fun

I cleared without using hints, so I used my head quite a bit

I am very much looking forward to an expansion or sequel

I was wondering about some points

1) The puzzle side has a title at the bottom of the screen, but

Only for a moment at the beginning (I noticed the existence of the title after clearing)

I thought it would be easier to report and discuss if a unique coordinate ID such as "1-3" or "2-4" was always displayed on all screens.

2) "BACK UP" puzzle near the end

(Puzzle with many blue circles from directly above the starting point)

When using the blue circle at the edge of the screen during play

I accidentally went to the previous screen

It was stressful because the state was reset many times

You can't even "undo"...

Add confirmation whether to move/do not move if in the middle state

Or you can "undo" only one screen even if you move the screen.

Or there is a little resistance and does not transition easily

It would be nice to have something like

3) I have a problem with my personal language skills.

I can't read English and I don't understand the content of the conversation

Use the OCR function (GOOGLE extension "Copyfish") to read characters.

I will do GOOGLE translation

Because the English font is a little special, I couldn't read it at all

It would be helpful if it was a slightly more standard or easy-to-read font

thank you for making a good game

You're great


Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked the game. 

About the points:

1) Yes, I agree the name of the levels might be missed by some. Thank you for that suggestion. 

2) I'm sorry that happened to you, I understand that can be frustrating. I didn't make the "undo" between screens because it makes the programming side of things a lot more complex. And I don't have all the time in the world to make this game.

3) I'm sorry you had trouble reading the font. I never thought of other people using programs to read the characters. I will consider this for my future projects.

Thank you for the effort of making this comment despite not knowing English! I appreciate it a lot.


very good and nice game i like that the puzzles make you use your brain !


Thank you!! I'm happy the game used your brain juices!


Loved the game! Quick bug report: if you start from the state on the left, then press left, you end up stuck in the state on the right unable to undo or reset.


Thank you for reporting that! I just pushed a new version that fixes that bug. Nice catch!


I want MORE!! One of the very best games! Please make MORE... Pleeeaase... Tehehe. (wink)


Thank you!!! I might do a sequel someday! 


Hey Carlos, this is a fantastic game! Do you have an email for business inquiries?


Thank you so much! You can contact us here: https://carlospedroso.com/bedbed/


This is one of the best games that i have ever played on itch.io


That's a big statement! Thank you so much!!

Deleted post

Thank you so much for the compliments! I'm happy you enjoyed it! I also hate it when games force you to restart before you were finished with it. Congratulations for beating the game!


Growmi Walkthrough


Thank you for recording the walkthrough! You were faster than me at posting it :)


Very neat puzzle game, I saw it described as a mix of BoxBoy and Snakebird and I think that is a fair quick summary. Intended to give it a quick peak and aside from a break for dinner I pretty much played it straight through and made sure to go back and find the "extra" things.

The one thing I will note is that for whatever reason it taxes my PC a good bit to run it, I can literally hear my desktop "speed up" and run loud whenever the game browser window is up and loaded. Perhaps there is more complicated stuff going on in the background but it does not appear to be a game that should be that taxing.


I'm happy that the game made you stick around playing until you beat it! Thank you so much! 

I also should play BoxBoy, a lot of people made that comparison, I wasn't aware they were similar!

Sorry about the performance problems, I'm not sure what could be causing that...


I love this game and will take it to my grave


Thank you so much!!!


great game but I am stuck on how to move the red and silver block onto the button in the puzzle piece part and the hint doesn't have anything to help me with this part of it. I am stuck 


Thank you! If you are stuck you can watch the walkthrough video on my page, I hope that helps!


Great game! :)


Thanks!! :)


great! I don't usually love pure puzzle metroidvanias, but alot of these were fun. I got stuck on one star, and tried the bottom right question mark thinking it was a hint system? But nothing happened


Thank you! The bottom right question mark is indeed a hint system, it should show you a hint on how to beat a level. The hints may be hard to see on some levels because the background is bright, sorry about that!

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