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This was a tough one! Thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles and mechanics. Great job!


Thanks! I'm happy you enjoyed it!


This is lovely! I just finished the last of the bonus stars, which was satisfyingly fiddly to work out without ever entering the snakebird realm of brain agony. The puzzle design is really good, congrats :)


Thank you so much! Congratulations for beating the whole game! 


Very nice puzzles. Finished, now I'm definitively blocked at the most bottom-right pink star, the last one. It seems to be impossible to resolve.


Thank you so much! I just posted a walkthrough on the game's page if you want to check out the solution.


Thanks a lot, all finished now, I was totally stupid to not find it :).


that's a lovely puzzle(took me a good 25 seconds to beat that)

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Fantastic little game with great mechanics. I'm only missing that one last bonus level :D


Thank you so much! Good luck on that last level! 


Great game! I love the game Mechanics and Art!


Thank you so much!! 


Unfortunately seem to have encountered a bug on my end where the puzzle pieces in the second major area never properly get collected, holding back progression :(


Or maybe it's a cookies thing. You could try allowing 3rd party cookies for this site and then restart. Worked for me.

Oh no! I'm so sorry! You are not the first to have some issues, I think it's due to saving/loading.
Sadly this is something really hard to debug since on my end everything is working properly. I'll see if I can find the problem and also maybe release an update where there's a way to reset the game's progress since now you are locked. 


I just switched browsers if that helps


Bravo! Feels like an old Nitrome game. I like the way that new capabilities both allow exploring farther, and allow new kinds of puzzles. Having multiple puzzles available at once meant I could take a break if I got stuck on one.

I'm not sure I solved Back Up an intended way, or if I found a bug or inintened interaction (ROT13-encoded, since's comments don't seem to have a spoiler tag):

V jnf noyr gb znxr gur oyhr oybpxf nccrne bireynccvat n onggrel oybpx, gura chfu gur onggrel oybpx bhg sebz haqrearngu gur oyhr oybpx.


Thank you so much! I'm happy with that comparison, I love the old Nitrome games!  

That was not the intended solution but it was a really creative way to solve it! I overlooked the pushing inside blocks rule, nice job finding it! 


high quality


Thank you!!


super fun


Not many games are a combination of "challenging" and "adorable", but you've managed it.  Excellent work!


Thank you so much for the compliments! 


yea, i could say it's cute as well


Incredible game!  I love the attention to detail in the character and the environment.  The game feels smooth and I'm really enjoying the mechanics.  I'm glad it saves too because my brain is fried and I need a break.


Thank you!! I'm happy you are enjoying the game! 


Cute game! There are so many interactions from the contraction condition. I really like the blue pellets, very snakey.


Thank you so much! 

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