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Nice game. The movement rules are standard, and levels only ever contain a few boxes, but are not easy! I enjoyed it.

Great puzzle game, but how am I supposed to complete level 5? I can get Bob to move one box into an empty white space but not both boxes. In fact, there are THREE boxes that I see in that level, so how do I complete level 5?

Thank you! Maybe you tried already, but boxes can fall into the holes, covering them and making it possible to pass. I hope that helps!


Oh, so in that level, I have to get Bob to push a box in that hole, and the other two to their empty white spaces?


I've enjoyed the game but you didn't tell in what engine you did it.

Thank you! I used my own engine, made with C++/SDL/OpenGL.



im too stoopid to solve this puzzle


The puzzles were kinda hard but in a good way. I got frustrated but the good choice in music prevented me from being too angry. Now bran hurt


BoxBob (Full Game)


great! cool but simple mechanics and neat puzzles. I enjoyed it a lot.

Nice game!


The game that I believe Sokoban lovers will love.

This was great! Puzzles were tricky but not too hard, it stopped about when it should have, aesthetic was very nice with the different environments, and I really loved the music! So chill but also fascinating, very fitting.

The only thing that gave me significant trouble was when the holes were introduced; since Bob can't interact with them (i.e. fall in them), and there were no directions or signs anywhere, I assumed they were solid wall for a few minutes.


There are some really cool puzzles in here, especially towards the end! It's really hard to design space-efficient, claustrophobic levels so that they pose a specific problem/concept, but your game is really nailing that.

I don't know if you've played much with Stephen Lavelle's puzzlescript engine, but one really neat feature it has is that the undo stack includes level restarts. With these sorts of puzzles, sometimes you think you've dead-ended yourself, restart and then have a eureka moment and realise you were on the right track after all, and that's where undoing restarts is a blessing :)


I didn't know about that feature actually, thanks!


nao tem como passar da fase 3!

Tem sim:


Wow! this game is a doozy! Very clean. 

Did you make this with Pico 8?

Hey Nathan! Thank you!!

No! This time I made my own engine.


Excellent job here.

I’m stuck on level 14.  Any help with that?

Thank you so much!

I will record a walkthrough tomorrow and share it here :)
Meanwhile, here's the solution for level 14: 







Congratulations! Very nice and challenging game!

Thank you so much Marcos! :)